Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - It's Your Right - Secure It Or Lose It


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The right to vote, and to do so in secret without fear of reprisal or retribution, has been at the core of democracy for as long as people have yearned to breathe free.

Sadly, the current governing political class, across all persuasions, abetted by a sycophantic media, have not been fair and honest stewards of that dream. Rather, the need for power and control has left our electoral process in a shambles, and if we do not fight to preserve it, it and America herself, will surely  perish from the face of the earth.

This is not hyperbole. It is a guarantee.


Before a problem can be solved, it must be acknowledged, so let us examine where liars and narcissists have taken us.

The Republicans have tried to institutionalize their private organization by securing a “.gov” domain suffix. The “.gov” domain is intended for official government departments. The Republicans are NOT a government agency, try as they might. The Democrats use the appropriate “.org” domain designation.


The political left decries “dark money” in politics, then raise record fundraising totals from untold and unknown sources. Yes, the Republicans follow suit.

Hypocrisy abounds. As the saying goes, campaign finance reform is like the weather. Everybody will complain about it, but nobody does anything about it.

The Democrats and Republicans – private political parties – have created a byzantine and convoluted ballot system designed to limit third, fourth, even fifth parties from gaining equal access to being on the ballot for voter’s consideration.

The media supports the two-party power conglomerate by featuring stories on how Americans should not “throw away” their ballots on third party candidates. The media creates a false narrative by talking about “off-year” elections, which is nothing short of voter suppression.

Instead of preserving the sanctity of the secret ballot, the political class has diluted it by extending election cycles to months, under the claim that the beleaguered voter needs time to cast their ballot. This requires months?

America used to announce election results on Election Night. Because of Covid, laws were passed to extend voting windows past Election Day, under the guise of extending democracy. No one has explained how that works, and the media has demonstrated an astounding level of ambivalence on that point.

Ensuring the axiom of one man, one vote, and providing a valid ID at the polling place is now racist. Apparently securing a valid ID is too difficult

for citizens of color. Who’s the racist, given a current and valid government ID was required to receive a Covid shot?

There are an almost infinite number of issues, but time and space are limited.

Now that the problems have been identified, instead of merely complaining, we propose these following starting point solutions:


This has a simple remedy. If you run for office, you may only accept money from legal residents of the district in which you are running. Any monies from any other source would be considered felonious election racketeering and will be prosecuted as such. There is no reason for a Los Angeles donor to fund a congressional race in Tennessee. NOBODY is that altruistic.



America is a country of 350 million. We deserve more than two choices.  Any candidate who can collect signatures from 15% of the district’s electorate will be allowed on that districts ballot.



Every voter must present a valid, current, government issued photo ID in order to cast a vote. The strict restrictions for absentee ballots remain in place.


The reality is that the workforce has dramatically changed and must be addressed. Election Day should be extended to the Saturday, Sunday and Monday preceding Election Day Tuesday.

It’s time to vote for freedom from electoral monopolies.


The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Free Speech (pt.1)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


When we decided to do the “election platform series”, our outline for this particular post was to discuss how Joe Biden and the political left, with unbridled support from the full swath of media, has been attempting to destroy free speech in the name of ‘truth’.

The world has changed quickly as of late, and the battle for free speech is being fought on new terms of engagement. We will revisit our intended discussion at a later date.

There is a more immediate debate to be had on free speech.


The slaughter of innocents in Israel by the terrorist group Hamas has led to protests and riots around the globe.

The concerning part is that they seem to be in support of the butcher.

In the United States, the rise of anti-Semitic rhetoric is cause for deep concern.

History has shown us that it is a short leap from word to action when the language of hate is concerned. Officials seem more than willing to prosecute citizens for calling someone  the wrong pronoun, but advocating for genocide is protected speech?

The truth is that free speech does not provide cover to anyone who is promoting a call to arms in support of murder. In the case of “mis-gendering”, the political left claims that “language is violence”.  No, language is language, the means by which we communicate. Violence is when language becomes violent action with the intent to cause physical harm or bodily injury.  Calling someone a ‘he’ who prefers to identify as a ‘she’ is an apology. Surrounding a group of people, pushing them around and chanting “death to Jews” is violence and is not free speech.

This is the delicate tightrope walk American democracy has been walking for 220+ years. The freedom of speech is not protected for just the popular, widely accepted opinions. It’s purpose is to give the minority view the same protected rights to express their thoughts with equal freedom.

As long as there is no violence, or the promotion of violence, beliefs you may find abhorrent MUST have the same right to be heard.

The axiom of “I hate what you say but will defend with my life your right to say it” must return to prominence in the debate on free speech.

Those who foment violence will get their just punishment. The rest of society must raise their voices as one to put the lie to the statement that genocide is a solution. Those who remain silent will be the next group marked for elimination.

This debate will continue, but we suggest that if you feel the need to limit somebody’s speech, take a deep breath, count to the ten amendments and reconsider your stance.   


The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Immigration Is By Definition A Legal Act


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


America can be, and is, defined in many different ways. At its most basic, America is a sovereign nation due to the fact it has clear and definable borders.

Joe Biden and the political left believe enforcing borders is hateful, racist and should allow for anyone to stroll on in.

Insanity defined.


The Trump administration was successful in bringing the illegal immigration chaos under a level of control, having the flow of humanity across the border slow  to manageable levels. It was not perfect, but the trend lines were heading noticeably lower. In short, the Trump policies were working. Tactics such as ‘remain in Mexico’ kept the issue as a process, not a crisis.


Joe Biden and the political left, driven by their psychotic hatred of Trump, blew up our immigration policies and laws. Nobody seems to know why, and our sycophantic and stenographic media has never questioned the rationale for doing so.



Opponents of legal immigration asserted that Trump put children in cages, even providing photographic evidence. Minor problem – the photos dated back to the Obama administration.



Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas lied to the American people, Congress, and anyone who would listen as he supported Joe’s persecution of  INNOCENT border agents, promising the nation “they will pay. They will pay!”

Pay for what? Biden tried, convicted, and passed sentence on officers who were FALSELY accused of ‘whipping’ illegal aliens. When the evidence was presented after Biden’s declaration, the President punished them and destroyed their careers in an attempt to shield his lie. Perhaps the most heinous act in the entire episode was that Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas KNEW the officers were innocent. The e-mail informing him of that fact, BEFORE Biden spoke, has been released. This man is the same one who lied to Congress that the U.S. southern border was secure, even as his department released the number showing the border was wide open.

The facts continue to demonstrate that the border is broken, with intent, by the political left, the group who keeps repeating the mantra that “no one is above the law!”

Ok. Lets frame our solution playing by their rules.


Every Democratic politician claims that the system is broken and the answer lies in a ‘comprehensive’ immigration process.

We ask this simple question.

Why? We have immigration laws and policies being broken every hour. How is it that future citizens are able to go through the existing process to obtain citizenship? Obviously the system is working well at some level. Apparently though, not for those who feel they can ignore the law. The same law Democrats claim everyone must obey. Their argument has no merit.


The political left plays the sympathy card, sobbing for the innocents who only want a better life but have been forced to live in the shadows. These illegal aliens put themselves into the shadows all on their own. Their first action when entering our country was to break the law. The law, remember, we must all obey.

Is America a land of immigrants? Of course. A nation of LEGAL immigration. Do we welcome new citizens? Also of course. But become part of the melting pot. The right way.

And the end of the line is over there.


{ed. Note. We will revisit this issue in much greater detail after the New Year}



The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - "The Baneful Effects of Party"


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The framers of the United States Constitution have had their brilliance proven again, almost 235 years after its inception. President George Washington, in his farewell address to the nation, tried to implore future generations to heed its wisdom.

To wit:

The Constitution does not provide any inclusion of political parties within the framework of a functioning government.

Washington explicitly warned of the “baneful effects of party.”


The recent display of idiotic surrealism in  electing a Speaker of the House sadly demonstrates that the political class and the imbecilic media are more concerned with blood sport than providing for a flourishing democracy.

The Speaker of the House is the only Legislative officer specifically named in the Constitution, and is second in line of succession to the Presidency of the United States. The position was vacated by a person of no significance and with no concept of actions having consequences. The process, nevertheless was handled under agreed upon rules of the House, and so we can find no constitutional flaw within the process.

Stupid is as stupid does.

However, there are several constitutional concerns raised by the situation that we believe merit discussion.

In no particular order;

The media was flooded with majority this person, minority that person all spewing forth that the process was bordering on a “constitutional crisis”, or it “shaking the foundations of our democracy”.

Utter nonsense. The Constitution is well equipped to deal with a Speaker vacancy. The ones claiming that democracy is in danger are actually the ones visiting havoc on democracy. The majority and minority officials are a creation of over-inflated egos and have absolutely no constitutional standing. They are political hacks getting perks and cash, supplied by the taxpayer, for doing partisan, non-governmental political work on behalf of a political party. The positions should be abolished and not replaced.

The political class has successfully entered into the American electoral bloodstream that America is based upon a two-party system, a belief created by the two parties in a bold faced power grab. They have told a nation of 350 million they have one more elective option that Russia, China and North Korea.

The political class has institutionalized the farce that is the primary season. The taxpayer is paying for private entities to choose their nominee. By all means, engage in the process, but pay for it yourself. America was founded without any political parties, and can do just fine without them.

A free people should have diverse opinions as to how best to support their nation. While we do not support the concept of polls – just ask President Dewey, Hillary Clinton, or even John Kerry - but for this discussion, let’s use polls as a starting point.

A majority of polls show a majority of Americans:

-Favor some limitations on abortion

-Think the government spends too much

- Want answers as to how the tax dollars sent to Ukraine were spent

- Believe there are only two genders; male and female

The economy under Bidenomics is failing.


There is no political party that the majority of Americans can call home. It is time to dissolve the political parties and return America to a true constitutional republic.

In this way, the next Speaker vote will require a true American political coalition, which will better serve our nation.

Or does an either or sound better?


The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Do Not Forget The Warriors




The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy,


President Joe Biden recently took a trip to southeast Asia, ostensibly to promote lines of diplomatic communications and to begin discussing potential trade issues.

Biden, as did each of his predecessors for the past 50 years, failed to demand discussions of the only number which should ever concern a United States President:

  As of June 9, 2023, the number of Americans missing and unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War was 1,579: 1,238 in Vietnam, 285 in Laos, 48 in Cambodia, and 7 in the People’s Republic of China’s territorial waters.

Ever the hypocrite, Biden makes the grand gesture of ending his nonsensical ramblings with the comment “may God protect our troops.”

When the opportunity to take action on that prayer, he chose to go silent. As noted, every president has failed in securing a full account of our American heroes. Given Biden’s conduct regarding his cowardly retreat from Afghanistan at the cost of 13 active military personnel, his silence on the POW/MIA issue is particularly painful. When the coffins of the 13 returned, Biden checked his watch and told grieving families he understood their pain given he lost his son who served in Iraq. Sadly, Beau Biden died from cancer, but not from war-incurred wounds, and his family was able to say goodbye. The families of the 13 had no chance for such farewells, and were met by a president who had other things to do.

Biden’s disdain and contempt for our military is evident, and a bell that cannot be un-rung.


It IS heartening to see that the public’s view has changed for the positive. People who see an active duty or veteran will reach out and thank them for their service.

It would be nice if the commander-in-chief shared that respect.


When the Vietnam veterans first returned, they were spat upon, given no parades, and ignored by the political class as undesirables. As time marches on, we are quickly losing our veterans to age and declining health.

Joe Biden must offer the vets a salute and demand in the name of each and every hero who has not yet come home a full accounting of those still lost.

Americans must demand that not a single cent go to any country harboring the remains of our warriors.

Failure to do so will cause us, and deservedly so, national pain and shame.

American citizenship demands no less.



The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Beware Foreign Entanglements


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The framers and founders crafted the United States Constitution in such a way that its governing principles were to function for the majority of our population to live in freedom and prosperity. That is its overt responsibility. Sadly, less understood is that the same protections are provided for the minority opinions and beliefs. Our founders understood that if freedom was not secured for all, it would never be secure for any.

This is, in a thumbnail, the promise of America. The same freedoms for all. America has paid dearly in blood and treasure for our rights, and in many ways it is what binds us together as a people and a nation. We have forged our destiny together.


That solemn pact has been perverted by far too many into a belief that only popular thoughts deserve rights and protections.


If America does not stand for its bedrock principles, it will stand for nothing.

Over the last few decades, our political leaders have attempted to export American democracy to nations who have been unable to first do the hard work of earning Democracy. It has been, in every instance, a failure. The only way to show the potentials of freedom is to first demonstrate them. They cannot be given or enforced.

America must lead by example, not by word.


The failures of our foreign policies have crystallized under the inept and cowardly leadership of Joe Biden.

Consider that Donald Trump brought Iran to its economic knees by using the power of America, without need of our military firing a shot.

Trump knew that America doesn’t like bullies. As a country, we have faced down thugs and supported the underdog.

Biden allowed billions of dollars to flow into Iran in the demented belief that such actions would result in positive reactions by Iran.

Enter Hamas.


President George Washington, in his farewell address, cautioned against foreign entanglements. (Look no further than the farce that is the United Nations to confirm the wisdom of his foresight.) It would allow America to be event specific in its support. Sadly, we are entrenched into so many foreign treaties, we now need to make political calculations in deciding our international course of action. We have lost our ability to demonstrate the power of a free people.


Most politicians have accepted the philosophy that if we break it, we own it in regards to international events.


Consider this situation on a global scale, and our status matters.

(For those who may recoil at the scenario, get a grip and understand the point.)


A red-blooded American male is walking through a mall parking lot. The next row over, he sees a punk hit his girlfriend.

Does he stop and think about his response, or maybe just walk away?

Of course not. He walks right over and after seeing the swelling of the girls’ face, turns to the punk and calmly says “bad move.” And proceeds to pummel the coward.  As the punk is laying face down trying to find his teeth, mister red-blooded turns to help Miss Damsel-in-Distress.

Once he is assured she is safe and sound, he goes on his way. He has no interest or concern for mister toothless, other than knowing mister bloodied has learned a valuable lesson.


America has no purpose in being the world’s policeman.

We should take the opportunity to demonstrate that a free people will have your back if you were attacked first.

Treaties are ok, but they should not limit our responses to countries under assault by bullies.

America is the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave.

Something to consider.


The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Balancing The Scales of The Department Of Justice


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


There seems to be a misconception about the Department of Justice. It is not a part of the framers and founders construct for a functioning government. It was established in 1870 by President Grant. The position of Attorney General, intended as a part time position, is a constitutional mandate, but like most political creations, the Department has become grotesquely overblown and taken on too much governmental power. The nation should have become concerned and reigned in the DOJ after the blatant excesses of the F.B.I. under J. Edgar Hoover were exposed. Sadly, those transgressions were ignored and the DOJ grew in size and scope, under the guise of “protecting the American people.”

As with most everything he has touched, Joe Biden has allowed the DOJ to persecute and prosecute American citizens with whom he politically disagrees.

He has allowed the DOJ to harass parents at school board meetings, under the umbrella of their being “domestic terrorists.” The same fate has befallen Catholics who attend Latin Mass, also because such people follow the profile of those same “terrorists”.

The list of Americans terrorized by Biden grows daily. As the leader of the political left, his is a diseased mentality concerning the process of ‘justice’. The persecution of Donald Trump should nauseate every American. A simple reading of the indictments should shake democracy to its core.

Whether you support or despise him, Trump is being threatened with the loss of his rights and his freedom. If Biden is successful with his assault on fundamental Constitutional rights, believe that average citizens who dare think for themselves are the next targets of Biden’s sense of justice.

Certainly, if Trump committed crimes, he should be held to account.  In the face of what has been proffered so far, Trump is as guilty as your grandma.

The question now becomes what is the solution for a legal system run amok?


Dismantle its operational structure. Recent history is replete with stories of political prosecutions. Biden and the other cowards of the political left have elevated the process to a staggering art form and so it must be taken away from them.

Our proposal.

Make the Department of Justice operate under the auspices of the Judicial Branch, thereby keeping it out of the clutches of both the White House and the Congress. The DOJ Director can be nominated by the President, but must reach a consensus vote threshold of 66% by both the House and the Senate. The Director may serve for only one term, not to exceed seven years.

This proposal has been met with complaints that it is too onerous and has too high a threshold to reach.


Exactly. The founders and framers created a legislative process that is absolutely onerous and difficult to manage. That was their intention and their wisdom.

We believe the Justice Department should operate the same way.

Removing Lady Justice from political opportunists like Joe Biden is the strongest guarantee that she will fulfill the trust and belief that all participants who may come before her will be met with fairness and equality under the law.

Failure to do so will result in bringing fear to all Americans who Biden thinks have it ‘wrong’.

Sadly, it’s the President who has it wrong.