Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - "The Baneful Effects of Party"


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The framers of the United States Constitution have had their brilliance proven again, almost 235 years after its inception. President George Washington, in his farewell address to the nation, tried to implore future generations to heed its wisdom.

To wit:

The Constitution does not provide any inclusion of political parties within the framework of a functioning government.

Washington explicitly warned of the “baneful effects of party.”


The recent display of idiotic surrealism in  electing a Speaker of the House sadly demonstrates that the political class and the imbecilic media are more concerned with blood sport than providing for a flourishing democracy.

The Speaker of the House is the only Legislative officer specifically named in the Constitution, and is second in line of succession to the Presidency of the United States. The position was vacated by a person of no significance and with no concept of actions having consequences. The process, nevertheless was handled under agreed upon rules of the House, and so we can find no constitutional flaw within the process.

Stupid is as stupid does.

However, there are several constitutional concerns raised by the situation that we believe merit discussion.

In no particular order;

The media was flooded with majority this person, minority that person all spewing forth that the process was bordering on a “constitutional crisis”, or it “shaking the foundations of our democracy”.

Utter nonsense. The Constitution is well equipped to deal with a Speaker vacancy. The ones claiming that democracy is in danger are actually the ones visiting havoc on democracy. The majority and minority officials are a creation of over-inflated egos and have absolutely no constitutional standing. They are political hacks getting perks and cash, supplied by the taxpayer, for doing partisan, non-governmental political work on behalf of a political party. The positions should be abolished and not replaced.

The political class has successfully entered into the American electoral bloodstream that America is based upon a two-party system, a belief created by the two parties in a bold faced power grab. They have told a nation of 350 million they have one more elective option that Russia, China and North Korea.

The political class has institutionalized the farce that is the primary season. The taxpayer is paying for private entities to choose their nominee. By all means, engage in the process, but pay for it yourself. America was founded without any political parties, and can do just fine without them.

A free people should have diverse opinions as to how best to support their nation. While we do not support the concept of polls – just ask President Dewey, Hillary Clinton, or even John Kerry - but for this discussion, let’s use polls as a starting point.

A majority of polls show a majority of Americans:

-Favor some limitations on abortion

-Think the government spends too much

- Want answers as to how the tax dollars sent to Ukraine were spent

- Believe there are only two genders; male and female

The economy under Bidenomics is failing.


There is no political party that the majority of Americans can call home. It is time to dissolve the political parties and return America to a true constitutional republic.

In this way, the next Speaker vote will require a true American political coalition, which will better serve our nation.

Or does an either or sound better?


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