Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Beware Foreign Entanglements


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The framers and founders crafted the United States Constitution in such a way that its governing principles were to function for the majority of our population to live in freedom and prosperity. That is its overt responsibility. Sadly, less understood is that the same protections are provided for the minority opinions and beliefs. Our founders understood that if freedom was not secured for all, it would never be secure for any.

This is, in a thumbnail, the promise of America. The same freedoms for all. America has paid dearly in blood and treasure for our rights, and in many ways it is what binds us together as a people and a nation. We have forged our destiny together.


That solemn pact has been perverted by far too many into a belief that only popular thoughts deserve rights and protections.


If America does not stand for its bedrock principles, it will stand for nothing.

Over the last few decades, our political leaders have attempted to export American democracy to nations who have been unable to first do the hard work of earning Democracy. It has been, in every instance, a failure. The only way to show the potentials of freedom is to first demonstrate them. They cannot be given or enforced.

America must lead by example, not by word.


The failures of our foreign policies have crystallized under the inept and cowardly leadership of Joe Biden.

Consider that Donald Trump brought Iran to its economic knees by using the power of America, without need of our military firing a shot.

Trump knew that America doesn’t like bullies. As a country, we have faced down thugs and supported the underdog.

Biden allowed billions of dollars to flow into Iran in the demented belief that such actions would result in positive reactions by Iran.

Enter Hamas.


President George Washington, in his farewell address, cautioned against foreign entanglements. (Look no further than the farce that is the United Nations to confirm the wisdom of his foresight.) It would allow America to be event specific in its support. Sadly, we are entrenched into so many foreign treaties, we now need to make political calculations in deciding our international course of action. We have lost our ability to demonstrate the power of a free people.


Most politicians have accepted the philosophy that if we break it, we own it in regards to international events.


Consider this situation on a global scale, and our status matters.

(For those who may recoil at the scenario, get a grip and understand the point.)


A red-blooded American male is walking through a mall parking lot. The next row over, he sees a punk hit his girlfriend.

Does he stop and think about his response, or maybe just walk away?

Of course not. He walks right over and after seeing the swelling of the girls’ face, turns to the punk and calmly says “bad move.” And proceeds to pummel the coward.  As the punk is laying face down trying to find his teeth, mister red-blooded turns to help Miss Damsel-in-Distress.

Once he is assured she is safe and sound, he goes on his way. He has no interest or concern for mister toothless, other than knowing mister bloodied has learned a valuable lesson.


America has no purpose in being the world’s policeman.

We should take the opportunity to demonstrate that a free people will have your back if you were attacked first.

Treaties are ok, but they should not limit our responses to countries under assault by bullies.

America is the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave.

Something to consider.


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