Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Congratulations. Now Shut Up And Do Your Job! - A Commentary


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The balance of power debate brought about by the 2022 election has been settled, decided, and resolved. The political class has now turned their blather to discussions of the 2024 presidential elections. Their insipid and bellicose vitriol will be amplified and repeated ad nauseum now that former President Donald Trump has announced his intention to seek another term as president. The American people will be ill-served by their employees if this nonsense is allowed to move forth.


To that point, the Madison Conservative would like to make a few salient points on the 2024 elections that we believe are actually more important to the electorate than the wagering on the Iowa primaries.


To wit, and in no particular order.


- We still need to have the 2023 elections first. As we have implored the citizenry before to understand, EVERY election is important, whether or not the media and the political class – of all political philosophies – feel they are not as ‘sexy’ as the elections they unilaterally decide have some more merit than others.


- Now that the 118th Congress has been elected, there is the minor inconvenience of actual governing that must be addressed, and done BEFORE the partisan posturing for 2024 begins.


We offer the following as a guide the new Congress should follow as they begin their new temp job. We believe it is the greatest descriptor of the true role of government ever expressed.



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


With all sincere and due respects to certain members of our readership who would prefer we abstain from coarse language, we think the Preamble is DAMN sexy.


We understand that many members of Congress have not had the time, inclination or mental acuity to read and understand the Preamble, let alone ALL of the United States Constitution, so as a public service as part of the congressional onboarding process, we will provide proper annotations.  Consider it a primer, a Preamble For Dummies, as it were.


We the People - The people who have hired yo, the people for whom you work, and the people who can fire you. The American people do not serve YOU. WE are profit, YOU are overhead. Any business will tell you that in order to succeed, you maximize profits and minimize the overhead. Therein is your new reality and the paradigm under which you will work.

 in Order to form a more perfect Union – Nobody has ever claimed America was perfect. What we DO claim is that we understand we are a work in progress. We are all in pursuit of providing equal OPPORTUNITY to prosper. If you try to force a specific OUTCOME, you have bastardized the goal of a free people. Any elected official who tries to pit one American against another American, is not working to form a more perfect union. You are an embarrassing hack looking to secure your position. Follow that path and you will quickly be looking for a new job, no doubt using your aptitudes to clean up the bodily wastes adorning many American city sidewalks.


establish Justice – crime is sweeping America because of so-called justice reform. The only efforts have been to aid criminals in becoming crime recidivists. Require officials who have sworn to uphold the law to do just that. If you fail to do so, what rationale would you give to a mother who’s child has been shoved in front of a subway train? It is a simple equation that Americans have depended on. “Do the crime, do the time.” The basics always work.


 insure domestic Tranquility – any citizen or group of citizens who riot under any circumstance need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Americans have a right to feel safe and secure walking down the street. If you fail to do so, as noted above, be prepare to clean those streets yourself.


provide for the common defence – the purpose of a military is to kill people and break things. Esprit de corps is a real thing. Support our armed forces by providing them what they need ir order to fulfill the missions they are give. Currently China is adding to their military weaponry while Joe Biden has our military focusing on the proper use of gender-neutral and affirming pronouns. Please restore our defense priorities as soon as you’re done taking your oath of office.


promote the general Welfare – spoiler alert: this does NOT mean getting the people to survive by the good graces of the government. This does NOT mean taking money from one group to buy votes from another. This DOES mean stop printing money we don’t have to avoid doing your job. It DOES mean having an economic policy that is supported by energy independence. America has no need to grovel to dictators to provide energy to America. Stop the Biden madness of declaring war on the energy industry. It will begin to ease the inflation rate, allowing Americans to balance their household budgets without needing to secure a fifth mortgage on their homes.


and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity – saddling our posterity with a 30 trillion-dollar debt, restricting free speech because you disagree with it, bankrupting families with psychotic tax policies, and impeding our children’s education is the opposite of securing liberty. As an aside, to the education point,  those in charge of public schools for the last half century have said they were focused on teaching our children the 3 ‘R’s.  That should have been a tip-off of their intent. The  truth is that they should have been teaching 1 R, 1 W, and 1 A.  I have confidence you’ll figure that out. If you can’t, best of luck in your new job. You’ll need it.


do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Please note the founders and framers did not mention anywhere that their Constitution was for only those of a specific political party. It was intended for ALL Americans.

The election posturing is over. No more callind fellow citizens Nazi’s, racists, or any other pejorative.  The American people have called it a draw. The first imbecile who hurls an epithet for effect will be held accountable.


Follow the Constitution and be part of the crowd that is damn sexy.

Otherwise, enjoy being an unemployed damn fool.








Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Election Day 2022 - November 8th, 2022 - A Recap & A Perspective


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The United States Constitution , and the American people, have again been the intentional recipients of the wisdom and faith of the founders.


As it has happened for more than some 233 years and counting, a free people have let their voices be heard. Once again, there was no violent attempts to discard the Constitution in favor of a tyrant.


The media, across all platforms and ideologies have spent much of their time declaring winners and losers. They have quoted polls and suggested rationales to explain why certain elections did not follow their pre-determined scripts. They exhibit the same level of stupidity when declaring that a storm has changed its computer-modeled track. The storm has not changed anything. It is a force of nature and will do what it does. It is the arrogance and idiocy of man that feels they have the ability to forecast events, be it hurricanes or elections. Hubris defined.


There will no doubt be citizens who feel either elated or despondent at the election results.  The wonderful thing about the American people is that they will digest that information and then move on with their lives, as they pursue their individual concepts of a happy life.


We spent last evening following the networks and their election coverage. To see such insipid commentary – again across all platforms and political persuasions – it can seem a miracle that the elections can happen at all.


The Constitution was so brilliantly constructed by our founders that it works best when the government can be prevented from doing the bidding of all scoundrels and other political ner-do-wells. As of this writing, the opposition party has wrestled control of the House of Representatives from the Democrats. The control of the Senate is still in doubt, but in many ways it no longer matters. The Biden agenda has been brought to a standstill for the next two years. Many pundits this evening, and perhaps many citizens, fear that ‘gridlock’ will have a deleterious effect on our nation.


Actually the opposite is true, because of the Constitution. While wild proposals are now no longer a possibility, to move legislation forward will mandate that all political forces must work together for the betterment of the nation.


So while the media class spew forth vitriol about winners and losers, we ask you to consider the intent of the United States Constitution.


To wit:


Nobody ‘lost’. What happened is that ineffective temporary employees of the American electorate got fired for doing a bad job.

In the real world, that happens every day.

There were no election ‘winners’. All that happened is America hired some new temporary employees, who learned just how tenuous their jobs can be if they fail to perform to the best of their abilities.

That, also, happens every day in the real world.


The election did demonstrate that there needs to be a continuing evolution on the election process as a whole. The voter machine failures in Arizona is an excellent example of election incompetence. The officials KNEW the election was coming, and they only needed the machines to work ONE day of the annual 365.


America deserves, and must demand, better. We hope the new temps can handle it.


So as Americans return to their daily lives, please feel free to ignore the imbeciles of the media who will try to ‘analyze’ the results and determine hoe those results differed from the polls. It’s always best to ignore the solipsistic and the stupid.


The only poll that matters, the only poll that should interest anybody, was the poll that happened last night.


On THAT point, the real winners were the American people and once again, the founders and framers.


God Bless America.

Land That We Love.

Home Of The Free BECAUSE Of The Brave.

Veterans Day is Friday. Remember to hug a Vet. Their service insured Election Day can happen.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Final Score: United States Constitution 1, President Biden 0

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


{ed. Note – this post is a defense of the Constitution, NOT an attack on President Biden. Given his recent comments, we felt it imperative to address those comments before election day}



The  founders and framers of the United States Constitution had a firm understanding on the functions of government, and a keen insight into the foibles and greed of the human psyche. The Constitution was designed to protect their fledgling nation from the weaknesses of men.

In short, they anticipated that at some point a President would be either so inept or so lustful of power the American people would need to rely on the Constitution to preserve their inalienable rights, the rights the framers believed came from God, not from man.

Since President George Washington took the oath of office on Tuesday, April 30th, 1789, the nation has been safe from despots and egos of autocrats.

Then Joe Biden became President.

Biden, unlike his 45 predecessors, has not just tried to push the limits of Executive Branch power, he has demonstrated outright contempt for any constitutional limitations of his authority.

His latest salvo against the Constitution has been his imbecilic statements that we ‘can afford’ to forgive student loan debt. The cold hard constitutional truth is that he does NOT have the executive authority to set aside a legal contract, nor does he have the right to spend money by presidential fiat. All government spending must begin in the Legislative Branch. This is not an opinion, it is fact, a reality Biden refuses to acknowledge.

The framers purposely separated powers between the three EQUAL branches of American government.

(forgive us this, but Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is on record as saying the three branches of government are the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Has this idiot ever even READ the Constitution?)

The framers intent was to force principled compromise in pursuit of what was best for the nation. They established the Judicial Branch in order to provide a bulwark against one branch attempting to usurp authority over the other.

To understand how successful leaders come to be so is simple: work with those you must and convince them your decisions are sound and just.


In Biden’s recent speeches and rallies he has spoken clearly of the following:


The Judicial Branch

By returning the decisions on abortion to the states, where it ALWAYS belonged, the Supreme Court,  according to the nations chief executive, has overturned a law and taken away ‘fundamental constitutional rights’.

This level of ignorance is both breathtaking and inexcusable. The Supreme Court overturned a RULING called Roe V. Wade. It was NEVER a law, and NEVER a constitutionally protected right. The political left, abetted by Biden, has made the Court’s ruling a battle cry that ‘democracy is under assault’. Led by our cognitively challenged figurehead, the solution is simple: pack the court with a sufficient number of judicial pawns who will do as directed by the left, NOT what is contained within the Constitution and the law.

Utter nonsense, fabrication and lie.



The Electorate

Biden has clearly spoken on his belief that ‘Mega-MAGA’are the purveyors of political violence and must be treated as anarchists.  The only individual ever identified is former president Donald J. Trump, but surely the 75+ million who voted against Biden must be included amongst those who are a tangible threat to Biden and his control over the citizenry. His continuing use of Covid mandates demonstrates his need for control over those whom he despises.  If Joe is not in power, he claims, America will be overrun by hoards of marauding January 6th insurrectionists. The political left supports this nonsense, as demonstrated by Rep. James Clyburn. Clyburn stated that he sees America barreling toward a fate similar to Germany in the 1930’s. If the Democrats are ousted from power, its Nazi’s and fascism.


Understand their point. Give them unchecked power or else suffer the consequences. We implore anyone to find  any other United States president who threatened the electorate.

Spoiler alert: You can’t because it has NEVER happened.


THAT is the power of the Constitution.


The Power of The Executive Branch


Two quick points on subjects we will cover in future posts.

The Biden Department of Justice has explained that parents who object at school board meetings need to be classified as ‘domestic terrorists.’

In other words, they are deemed ‘threats to democracy.’

It does seem there is an alarming trend on how the Biden administration views the American electorate.

In addition, Biden has proudly noted that he has signed legislation authorizing the hiring of more than 86,000 additional IRS agents. No doubt they will be focusing on those Americans who pose a ‘threat to democracy.’ As an aside, the Border Patrol, assigned to protect America and her borders, currently number less than 20,000 in total. Biden’s funding seem very clear as to his governing priorities.


Lastly, the greatest focus of Joe’s ire is foisted upon


Any Elected Official Who Expressed Independent Thought


Biden has left no ambiguity in declaring his disgust for any politicians who gives voice to their own opinion, unless it matches exactly with Biden dogma. Any opposition is labelled as ‘divisive voices’, ‘un-American propoganda’, or the person in question is ‘a puppet of Putin.’ These comments are directed at Americans, people who disagree on policy. The coward-in-chief seems fine with equating them to the basest members of humanity.

He wants to slanderAmericans who have been elected by a majority of their fellow citizens, as…wait for it…a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.


Were it not so horrific in its intent, it would play as comedic farce.


Which is why the framers and founders constructed our Constitution as they did, specifically to protect us from vile leaders such as Biden.


Please consider how we defined leadership above.


Biden has alienated the impartial judiciary, the American people themselves , and the leading opposition party, who, as of today, have an opportunity to win a majority in one half of the Legislative branch. That reality will have the effect of stalling the Biden agenda of hate.


The wisdom of the founding fathers continues to amaze, and to keep America safe.


If you would enjoy frustrating Joe Biden, we would ask all eligible voters to go out and cast their support of the United States Constitution.


As a reward, stop off after voting and hoist a chocolate shake to honor James Madison and his unabashed band of patriots.








Monday, October 31, 2022

What's 30 Trillion Between Thieves? A Madison Conservative Rant


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



President Ronald Reagan used to make the point that the most feared words for Americans to hear were “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”.


We find that joke sadly wise beyond  its years.


Given how Joe Biden, the Democrats and the political left with an incomprehensible assist from gutless Republicans, have devastated the American economy in less than two years, we would add the following warning sign to the American electorate.

To wit:

Beware any and all politicians who promise, if elected, to “put money back into voters pockets.”


This warning is based upon the undeniable fact that the government has absolutely no money of its own. It creates no wealth.

It’s only source of cash is the electorate, and Congress feels they have immunity to confiscate as much as they wish, to do with as they see fit. All income you make is yours only after the government first takes what it wants. Our founders and framers knew the peril of greed in government.

If only the political left would read Thomas Jefferson, instead of conspiring to tear down his statue. To quote Jefferson:


“A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.”



If we followed this guidance, what wonders we could accomplish.


Sadly, for the moment, a shallow opportunist is in charge.


The current national debt is more than THIRTY TRILLION dollars.

Look at that number for a moment.


The reality is that nobody believes the number will ever decrease.

Politicians from all parts of the political spectrum are culpable for creating and feeding this monstrosity.

In 1960, the national debt was 286 billion dollars.


A formidable sum to be sure, but it had the illusion of being manageable.

In early  1982 we cracked the trillion dollar mark. We were told with wise planning and strategic budget cuts, it was to be difficult, but in time we would make a dent in it.

In all fairness, we have, in the past, paid off the national debt.

The last time it happened was in 1835, during Andy Jackson’s presidency. It is a much nicer number to look at when discussing debt.



So there is a precedent.

Also to be fair, Joe Biden is not solely responsible for the current 30 trillion, but he is where the buck stops.

His inept leadership and cowardice has allowed the political left to spend beyond their wildest dreams, although they want even more.

The current 40-year high inflation rate of more than 8%, year over year, can, however be traced like a laser directly to the Biden financial policies. When he entered office, the inflation rate was about 1.4%. Simply by lying, cheating and stealing, he has the nation on the brink of deep recession. What is most concerning is that the president keeps lying about reality. He claims he has lowered the budget deficit by enacting his agenda.

The debt is the sum of all budget deficits. He has done nothing. Short term funding deemed necessary during Covid is ending. THAT is why the numbers are less than the previous year. Biden has done nothing but add to the crisis, signing legislation which has added to the problem, some 6 trillion of money we do not have, and spending we did not need.

Congress has conspired to add to our problems by avoiding doing their job. All funding bills must, under the United States Constitution, begin in the House of Representatives. What they do is nothing, and then wait for the debt limit to be reached. They claim the credit of the United States is at risk if they do not pass an omnibus continuing resolution, so that social security recipients don’t starve, the military doesn’t run out of bullets, etc. Because they know it will pass, they load it up with the most useless nonsense. The process is supposed to be that individual funding bills are debated and then sent to the president. Somewhere along the line they realized they could be held accountable by the electorate if their name was attached to a bill that cut a budget line somewhere.

Why do your job when you can keep your job simply by claiming your actions were necessary to save grandma.

It is an elaborate scam, to which both political parties participate, often willingly and with gusto.

One of the many reasons President Trump was so vilified by Washington was that he said he would not sign a bloated continuing resolution, and “let’s see what happens”. We wish he would have run the bluff a bit longer.

So with a 30 trillion dollar debt growing bigger just with interest alone, how does a beleaguered taxpayer fight back?


Demand that elected officials do the following.

1 - Start with a zero-based budget. In other words, what does it cost just to turn the government lights on in the morning.

Cut that number by 5% to start. An easy way would be to eliminate all alcohol purchases by the government. Why are we picking up our employee’s bar tab?


2- Tie all executive and legislative branch salaries to the national median income. We should not be paying our employees, whose work ethic would get them fired in the private sector during the onboarding, more than the average.


3- Force Congress to pass a law making omnibus budgets unlawful. They are paid to do a job. Demand they do it.


4 – Put into law that 5% of every budget be allocated to a true bringing down the national debt. If Congress behaves themselves, a child born today will graduate college with a zero national debt. They could party like it was 1835 all over again.


We believe that the only way to even begin to address the crippling debt is for the electorate to be engaged in the process.

If you find merit in these ideas, at least as a starting point, seek out a candidate who shares your views and beliefs, make sure you walk proudly into the voting booth and let your vote speak for your demand for fiscal responsibility.

As an aside, 30 trillion divided by roughly a population of 350 million equates to about $85, 714 of debt for every man woman and child.

At least today.






The Madison Conservative Tirade -(part 1 of 4 posts today)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative was founded on the belief that the precepts of our governing document, the United States Constitution, had been ignored by the political class and mass media when debating public policy. It often seemed that those in authority had never even read the rules by which our democracy functions. We have attempted to steer clear of  commenting on policies that are more social complaints than constitutional  matters.

This election cycle, however, we have been guided by two bits of wisdom given to us by two of the greatest political minds the world has ever known.


To wit:


 “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

John Adams.


And with that starting point…


"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

- Thomas Jefferson.


We are choosing to comment on current events from a citizen view, not necessarily a dispassionate Constitutional perspective. The four posts dated today will be more colloquial in nature, because we believe given the political climate, it is time to rant.

In no particular order:


Joe Biden is a congenital liar, with a pathological hatred of President Trump in particular, and more than 75 million Americans in general. In just the last week, he claimed that gas was over $5.00 a gallon when he took office. It was, in fact, about $2.39 a gallon. He chooses to be immune from responsibility for his policies that have derailed the American economy. Instead, he brags he has made the economy ‘strong as hell.’   He asserts ‘the other guy’ broke the immigration system. In less than two years, more than 3 million illegal aliens have crossed the border. Returning them to their own countries, Biden states, ‘makes no sense.’

We have stated our firm belief that Biden is a coward for both running from the enemy and abandoning American citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Nobody seems to ask him the numbers of still unaccounted for Americans missing because of his cowardice.

He has assaulted the American oil industry, then lies about the price of gas. He chooses to attempt deals with horrific regimes to replace what he has broken. Every American understands a few calls to Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska could solve the fuel crisis and solve the inflation behemoth he created.

The problem with the political left and the ‘woke’ ideology is that it cannot withstand the light of reason.  Americans will not soon forget the testimony of a Supreme Court Justice nominee declaring she could not define what was a ‘woman’. The question was designed to be a ‘gotcha’ kind of thing, but it demonstrated the fear many have of speaking the truth, using cold hard facts. It may upset many, but in the full of human history, no human being has exited the birth canal as anything other than a male or a female. It’s easy to identify between the two choices. There has never been an option number three. What people choose to do with their lives after reaching adulthood is there business, and by all means, follow whatever you want in pursuit of your image of happiness.


For those who believe in allowing children to be given gender reassignment medical intervention before the age of 18, you are NOT teachers, doctors or anything else. You are child molesters, and need to be prosecuted as such. There is no issue of degree on this point. If you mutilate a child, you must be kept away from society. Remember, however, that even in prison, there is a strict hierarchy. Murderers, thieves, even rapists are part of the tier system. Those who abuse and molest children are at the bottom, and are never safe from retaliation. I wonder if the woke mob will allow bail-less treatment for those who take retribution against child molesters.


Our planet has survived ice ages, meteor strikes that wiped out the dinosaurs, and a whole host of other calamities. For 4 billion years, more or less, Earth has endured. I do not understand how now a Chevy can kill the planet. According to hard data, the climate is ALWAYS changing. I would drop my cynicism on the nonsensical ‘we only have 9 years left’ drivel if only I could get simple answers to three basic questions.

1-   What is the ultimate goal of climate change hucksters? Do they want everywhere on the planet to be palm Beach?

2-   How does bankrupting America get us to your as yet unspecified goal?

3-   If you believe you can affect the climate with your chosen actions, why has nothing changed?


There are a number of other issues we could give voice to, but your time is too valuable to spend listening to me vent.


I would ask if you believe your concerns are not being addressed, find a candidate that echoes your beliefs and then go support them with your vote.


Thanks for listening.