Thursday, May 20, 2021

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The Madison Conservative has been noticing a troubling trend while watching so-called news media the last few months. The phenomenon is not limited to any one news outlet, but rather is infecting all news coverage.


The Biden administrations’ chaotic and incoherent policy choices have been ripe fodder for the 24-hour news cycle. While watching the coverage, the United States Constitution and the wisdom of the framers and the founders again comes to the forefront, and America must take heed of what has been happening.


Consider for a moment Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8, which states:


“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”


That reads rather clearly, yet the media and former government employees seem to require titles as a God-given right.

Every evening, on every news channel, a former congressperson, senator or office holder appears on camera and is addressed with their former title. If you listen, you will hear “what is your opinion on that, senator?” when they no longer hold that office.  By all means, everybody has a right to express their thoughts on any given issue. however, when the electorate send a senator packing, the first thing they should leave behind is their title. Our founding fathers were insightful to the lure of titular honors. They created the framework for the greatest nation the world has ever known on three basic beliefs.

A nation of the PEOPLE.

A nation by the PEOPLE.

A nation FOR the PEOPLE.


There would be no familial lines of power, no divine right of governance, no subservience to a government not created by the PEOPLE.

For those on the political left who feel the Constitution contains random ‘suggestions’, or who spout idiocies that “no amendment is absolute”, the Madison Conservative highly recommends that they read that most august document.

Spoiler alert: it begins with the words ‘WE THE PEOPLE” written in larger typeface than any other part of our founding document, signaling that this nation was to be established with the foundation that her citizenry would be equal. There would be no kings, princes, dukes, earls, etcetera, etcetera.


And yet, our society bows down to former senators, secretaries of this or that department, as though there was an inherent quality of superiority in their being simply by having held a government position. Mr., Mrs., Ms., all seem to work fine for the electorate. We allow our fellow citizens to borrow their titles of position until their service is over. The founders and framers believed that Americans would offer to serve, and then return to their individual pursuits of happiness. Constantly bestowing their former titles upon them after they have left office only fuels the elective class to believe their own press clippings.

We should thank them for their efforts and then give them a one-way ticket out of Washington D.C. to their hometown and let them live under their policies and laws. Granting them lifetime stature of a former titled employee is madness.

How many businesses address their former emplyees with their former titles?


As with all things, the Madison Conservative believes in certain exceptions to certain rules. Anyone who has served as President of the United States should retain the respectful title of Mr. or madame President, regardless of party or record of accomplishment.

As Americans, we understand the need to respect the office if not the officeholder.

That is, after all, the American way.







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