Sunday, May 2, 2021

With All Due Respect, Mr. President...(part one)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



President Biden made several startling claims during his first address to Congress on April 28th, 2021. He revealed the true agenda of the political left, and we believe that once the American electorate understands what Biden has said, there will be a well-deserved electoral revolt.

The Madison Conservative will speak to several issues raised during the speech to Congress and the American people over several upcoming posts.


First up was the Presidents claim that collectively, all Americans ARE the government. In his attempt to justify and rationalize his intent to expand the role of government into as much of American life as possible, he invoked a belief that the Madison Conservative considers blasphemy. We hold the United States Constitution to be sacrosanct and any attempt to slander it into an unrecognizable form is the greatest of crimes.


Consider this statement from the man who swore to protect, preserve and defend our most august document.


Biden said that the Constitution begins with ‘We the People’, and as such the founders and framers intended that the citizenry was a united government, and any actions Biden may take are in the spirit of the people being government.


The Presidents obvious cognitive deterioration cannot be credited as a reason for this statement. The speech was diligently created and crafted to convey specific intent.


With all due respect, Mr. President, your belief is tyrannical on its face.


“We the people’ is absolutely a statement that the government is, and must always remain subservient to the people. The Constitution defines the limits and powers afforded the government. As described by President Obama, the Constitution is a list of restrictions, of what the government cannot do to its people.


The 10th amendment is also unambiguous in its declaration that any federal rights not defined within the Constitution are reserved for the people and the individual states.

This amendment was intended to provide security from a power obsessed federal government from doing exactly what Biden and the political left are attempting – a consolidation of power.


We are NOT government. The Constitution provides for each and every citizen to pursue their individual version of happiness. The Biden equivalency with government allows the federal government to act in the best interests of the nation. The trap of course is that the federal machine believes it knows what is best for each person. There is a simple way to describe this belief: autocracy.

Those who simply ask for clarification of any Biden action is immediately branded a racist, conspiracy theorist, or white supremacist.

All ‘patriotic’ Americans, Biden insists, must accept his vision, because we are all government. As for those of The Madison Conservative, we much prefer living our lives as we see fit, owning our successes and failures, and not kneeling before edicts whose only intent is to provide power and control to those who have never been able to provide for themselves. Joe Biden has never had to make payroll, project the future of his business and plan accordingly for his employees. Joe Biden attacks the foundation of America by invoking the phrase that it is each individuals personal patriotic duty to be vaccinated.

When announcing that mask limitations when outside were being relaxed, he did so by wearing a mask outside to make the announcement.

After the CDC gave guidance that vaccinated persons could gather indoors without a mask, Biden delivered his congressional speech in front of a crowd wearing masks.


This is not the American people being government. This is the American people being both conned and embarrassed by those they have elected.


A free people do not serve a government. A free people demand competency from its subservient government.


As of this writing, it is lacking such aptitude.


We must demand better of our employees...





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