Friday, May 14, 2021



The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


There can be little debate that the American psyche has been built upon the mindset of individual freedom. From the first shot fired in the War For Independence, America has been driven by the belief that this greatest nation the world has ever known did not take to the bluster and threats of King George. The motto “Don’t Tread On Me’ exemplified the new nations attitude to the attempts by the British crown to bring the colonists to heel. Throughout our history, the American Mindset has been exemplified in such pithy comments as ‘I have not yet begun to fight’ to the ultimate attitude of ‘Nuts’.

(we will not explain those two comments, as we believe everyone should already know them.)


In short, Americans have always spat in the face of bullies, who, to a one, are actually the biggest of cowards.


This preamble brings us to the comments of President Joe Biden on May 13th, 2021.


The president announced that the CDC had issued guidance that those citizens who were fully vaccinated could take their masks off, both for outdoor and indoor use, and toss them into the trash.


As an aside, and the Madison Conservative will repeat this as often as is necessary, the reason that Biden can claim, falsely, success with the COVID – 19 virus is because of the herculean efforts of President Donald J. Trump. Biden had those 200 million doses to give to Americans because Trump pre-purchased them so that once available, they could immediately be dispensed. Biden continually lies about the effects of his leadership on vaccines. We have addressed this in great detail in previous posts, and thus we will not repeat it again here, save to say that Trump deserves ALL the credit. Biden, who initially stated his distrust of “Trump vaccines” is now attempting to steal all credit.


Sorry, Mr. President. Like so much else you have said and done since taking office, you have it absolutely wrong.


But we digress.


When making the announcement on the modification to the mask mandates, he made a direct threat to Americans.


As we have previously noted, The Madison Conservative takes no stand on vaccines. In the land of the free because of the brave, the decision to take the vaccine or not is a personal choice. Yet Biden has decided to opt for unilaterally making the decision for all Americans. He stated that one MUST wear the mask UNTIL one is vaccinated.


Excuse us?


The President has now usurped personal health decisions to his whim? What is sadly missing is the outcry from the media and the political left.


The mantra when abortion is discussed by those parties, is completely unambiguous:


“My body, my choice”.


Yet not a murmur when the administration says no return to normalcy for those who do not kneel and take the vaccines. If Biden is successful in ostracizing people for sport, where does it end?


There are numerous reasons individuals might choose to accept responsibility for their own lives. And in the spirit of America, those reasons are nobody’s damn business.


We are curious about under  exactly what constitutional logic is Biden attempting to enforce ‘Get vaccinated or mask up forever’? We have had the Madison Conservative research team scouring every line of the United States Constitution and they have failed to uncover any such presidential powers.


Dear Mr. Biden,




(ok. here you go: )







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