Monday, May 3, 2021

With All Due Respect, Mr. President...(part three)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



For the last few days, we have been discussing President Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress on April 28th, 2021. We believe much of the speeches content is both absurd and incoherent. The political left has been fawning over the irresponsible funding proposals and the absolute lack of bipartisan unity Biden has lied about since his inauguration. These types of speeches are crafted by a team of political operatives, providing a roadmap for the Presidents political policies and goals.

This address should scare the American people to their core. Like much of the left’s agenda, Biden is not listening to what he is saying, and the stenographic press will never demand clarifications.


The Madison Conservative does not take a position on global warming – excuse us – climate change. The hyperbole around the issue merely gives us pause to consider what the actual goals are in addressing a situation we are told will kill the planet. At four billion years old, give or take a millennium, the planet seems rather strong and has withstood graver issues beyond the internal combustion engine. The data is ever changing, so we are concerned when politicians claim the issue is settled science. Few situations in science are static. As a point of personal privilege, it would be akin to stating that while the Mets are in first and the Cubs are in last, such a situation will continue throughout the season with no variation at all. Would anybody accept the government saying the season was over with still five months to play? Of course not. Everybody would know the Cubs are going to win it all.


But I digress.


Biden made an extraordinary statement during the speech about climate change. His position is that it was imperative that the United States rejoin the Paris Accords on climate.




It has no hard limits on anything, but merely sets ‘goals’ for each nation. The most troubling aspect of all climate change proclamations is that not a single proposal defines success. There is no goal line, no point of finality. The political left uses things like the Paris accords to transfer wealth from citizens to those in power, ostensibly to help save the planet. This is the propaganda of things like the Accords. There is no enforcement mechanism, no penalties, for failure to meet those random goals. President Biden is willing to dismantle our standing of energy independence to look good in front of the world. He will hasten economic hardships on this country for appearance sake. China and India, the two largest carbon emitters, have said it’s a goal, and they’d consider it. They don’t seem too concerned about how their attitude appears to the world. America does not have its own air and climate. It is interdependent with the world. Which makes what Biden said next so incredible.

“If we do everything perfectly, it’s not going to ultimately matter.”


(source: )


With all due respect Mr. President, are you serious? In the middle of an incoherent speech, you provide an incomprehensible agenda based on how our actions will look to our adversaries and enemies? In a nation founded on the freedom of the individual, your goal is to make this nation subservient to appearances?

Mr. President, we ask you to consider an alternative. You have a national economy fueled by capitalism and freedom. Turn it loose on climate change.

We do not ask for any credit. Feel free to affix your name to it and call it The Biden Plan.




Instead of funneling trillions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars down the drain, propose a 10 year plan in which the company, organization or garage based scientist that discovers a viable renewable fuel source will enjoy tax-free status for the life of the company. Provide for purchase of the patent and lease the technology out to anybody who wants it. It can be the ultimate example of how a free people solve problems without becoming wards of the state. It would be a shining example of how to solve problems.


Our adversaries and enemies will still hate us for our freedoms, but we’ll look great doing it.







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