Monday, May 3, 2021

With All Due Respect, Mr. President...(part two)

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



President Joe Biden gave his first congressional address on April 28th, 2021. The content on many levels could best be described as somewhat surreal. Hearing any United States President utter so many unconstitutional beliefs in support of a tyrannical political left orthodoxy is beyond troubling.

The Madison Conservative strives to be a serious forum for discussing constitutional issues with as serious a tone as the subject mandates. In the case of a speech that bordered on the incomprehensible, we believe that the best way to demonstrate the absurdity of Biden’s arguments is to be absurd ourselves in providing the opposing view.


To wit:


In an attempt to convey gravitas on an idiotic point, once again the chief executive of the United States intoned that no amendment was ‘absolute’. He proffered the axiom that you are not allowed to yell ‘fire’ in a theater. This has always been a point of contention with The Madison Conservative. We believe that of course you can yell fire, but as a society we have determined that doing so comes with severe penalties. The choice is still open for an individual to decide to act or not.

The point Biden was attempting to make was by using the first amendment, he could fuel his belief of restricting the second. We have made the point in an earlier post on how Biden’s use of the phrase “no amendment is absolute” would decimate the Bill of Rights in order to demonstrate his lack of understanding in what he is saying.

Given Biden used his malaprop argument again during his congressional speech, we feel it reasonable to again see how other amendments would be affected by the Biden nonsense.



Before reading further, we ask you to understand we are attempting satire to combat surreal. We apologize to the amendments we will not use and for the brevity in our explanations of the others.


The 13th: The abolition of slavery.


Biden has made the comment in front of a majority black audience that the Republicans, if they gained power, would put them back in chains. During the 2020 campaign, while speaking on the radio to a largely minority audience, that anyone who would not vote for him “wasn’t black”. So I guess if black folks don’t vote for Joe in sufficient numbers, slavery might make a return under a Biden edict.


The 15th:  Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude.


Given the fluid nature of the United States Constitution in a Biden regime, maybe the sacred right to vote could be less sacred than previously thought.


The 16th : The right to impose an income tax.


Seeing as  this is in direct opposition to how the Constitution provided for funding for the nation, here’s hoping any future President invokes the Biden rule and in a single scrawl of a pen makes the IRS vanish in a puff of bureaucratic red tape.


The 19th: The right of women to vote.


There are so many things that could be said on this, but the Madison Conservative has no desire to suffer on the point of sufferage.


The 21st: The repeal of Prohibition.


It is possible that a future president may believe in a no alcohol stance. Prohibition, like the left’s agenda, didn’t work before, but maybe it’s worth another try.


The 22nd : Limits a President to two terms.


Since Biden has of late been making comparisons to FDR, why not copy his idol and go for the four terms. After all, this amendment, like all the others, are ‘not absolute’, right?


The 26th: 18 year olds get the right to vote.


Sorry kids. The president may not be able to keep you off his lawn, but he can draft you and make you wait three more years to vote.


The Madison Conservative believes our point has been made.


With all due respect, Mr. President, the United States Constitution is not open to your interpretation. We suggest you read it before you continue to slander it.













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